NYC Family & Medical Leave Act Lawyer (FMLA)

New York City FMLA lawyers Mansell Law help workers get benefits owed under the Family & Medical Leave Act & sue for violations of FMLA leave laws.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed by Congress in 1993 to provide time off to workers who need to care for a newborn child or a new addition to the family, to care for an ill family member, or due to their own sickness. While FMLA is unpaid, it provides significant job protections so workers can take time off at these vital moments in their lives without losing their jobs or health insurance.

Unfortunately, although the FMLA is nearly thirty years old, employees still struggle to exercise their legal rights to family and medical leave, with employers providing subtle and not so subtle pressure on workers to keep them from taking the leave they are entitled to under the law. We won’t let that happen. At Mansell Law, our sole focus is on making sure employees get the benefit of the labor and employment laws enacted for their protection.

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