NYC Unpaid Minimum Wage Lawyer

 Title: NYC Unpaid Minimum Wage Lawyer

Description: New York City unpaid minimum wage lawyers Mansell Law help employees uncover unpaid minimum wages when they are misclassified as exempt or paid the wrong wage.

New York City Unpaid Minimum Wage Lawyer

Additionally, the applicable minimum wage varies according to what industry you are working in. Do you know if you are getting the minimum wage you are entitled to, or is your employer shortchanging you every hour of every day you work? Through individual claims and class action litigation, the NYC unpaid minimum wage lawyers at Mansell Law fight every day to make sure workers in New York City get the wages they are entitled to under the law. Call our office for a free consultation if you think you might be underpaid.

Minimum Wage in New York City

The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour, but individual states are allowed to impose a higher minimum wage, and some do. In New York, the minimum wage is $11.80 an hour as of 2020, and it is scheduled to increase to $12.50 an hour in 2021. In addition, New York City has its own minimum wage. The general minimum wage in NYC is currently $15.00 an hour for both large and small employers.

Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

New York also imposes different minimum wages by industry. For instance, fast food industry workers in NYC make at least $15.00 an hour, while those outside the city are guaranteed a minimum wage of $13.75 per hour. The minimum wage for all fast-food workers in New York State will be increasing to $15.00 across the board over the next few years.

Does the Minimum Wage Apply to All Employees?

According to the New York Department of Labor, the following workers are not covered by the requirement to receive the minimum wage:

  • Executives and administrators earning more than 75 times the minimum wage rate
  • Professionals
  • Outside salespersons
  • Taxicab drivers
  • Government employees (except for certain non-teaching employees)
  • Part-time babysitters
  • Ministers and members of religious orders
  • Volunteers, learners, apprentices and students working in non-profit institutions
  • Students obtaining vocational experience
  • contractors, either mistakenly or intentionally to avoid paying the minimum wage.

How Do Employers Violate the Minimum Wage Laws?

The main ways employers underpay their workers are as follows:

  • Paying less than the applicable minimum wage
  • Unpaid wages — not paying for meals and breaks, on-call or waiting time, travel time, forcing employees to work off the clock, etc.
  • Improper deductions that take the pay rate under the applicable minimum wage
  • Misclassifying employees as exempt from the minimum wage
  • Applying the wrong tip credit or operating an illegal tip pool

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