NYC Unpaid Minimum Wage Lawyer

 Title : NYC Unpaid Minimum Wage Lawyer

Description : New York City unpaid minimum wage lawyers Mansell Law help employees uncover unpaid minimum wages when they are misclassified as exempt or paid the wrong wage.

Does the Minimum Wage Apply to All Employees?

According to the New York Department of Labor, the following workers are not covered by the requirement to receive the minimum wage:

  • Executives and administrators earning more than 75 times the minimum wage rate
  • Professionals
  • Outside salespersons
  • Taxicab drivers
  • Government employees (except for certain non-teaching employees)
  • Part-time babysitters
  • Ministers and members of religious orders
  • Volunteers, learners, apprentices and students working in non-profit institutions
  • Students obtaining vocational experience

This listing above reflects the major exclusions from minimum wage, but it is not a complete list. Always call our office if you are not receiving the minimum wage and are not sure whether you are exempt or not.

Significantly, independent contractors are also not covered by the minimum wage law. However, employees are frequently misclassified as independent contractors, either mistakenly or intentionally to avoid paying the minimum wage.

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