NYC Unpaid Overtime Lawyer

 New York City unpaid minimum wage lawyers Mansell Law help employees uncover unpaid minimum wages when they are misclassified as exempt or paid the wrong wage.

How Do New York Employers Violate Overtime Rules?

Common pay-related violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Misclassification as exempt from overtime
  • “Off-the-clock” work
  • Improper OT calculation methods
  • Failure to pay compensable time (travel; donning/doffing; on-call; training)
  • Minimum wage violations
  • Failure to provide true meal and rest breaks
  • Vacation forfeitures
  • Improper wage deductions / “charge backs”
  • Failure to reimburse employees for expenses / uniforms
  • Improper classification as an independent contractor

Who Is Exempt From Overtime in New York?

Most employees are covered by overtime rules under the FLSA and New York labor law. However, some exceptions do exist. The following workers are exempt from the requirement to receive overtime pay:

  • Executive, administrative and professional employees (the white-collar exemptions)
  • Outside salespeople
  • Individuals working for a federal, state, or municipal government
  • Farm laborers
  • Certain volunteers, interns and apprentices
  • Taxicab drivers
  • Members of religious orders
  • Certain individuals working for religious or charitable institutions
  • Camp counselors
  • Individuals working for a fraternity, sorority, student or faculty association
  • Part-time baby sitters
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