New York City Unpaid Minimum Wage Lawyer: Ensuring All Workers Are Paid Fairly

 Almost all employees are entitled to be paid at least the minimum wage, but not everyone knows what that minimum wage is. In New York City, the minimum wage is higher than both the federal and state levels. In fact, it varies by industry. Do you know if your employer is paying you the correct wage? If not, you could be losing out on your hard-earned income.

At Mansell Law, our experienced NYC unpaid minimum wage lawyers fight to ensure workers receive the wages they deserve. Through both individual claims and class-action lawsuits, we work every day to hold employers accountable. If you believe you’ve been underpaid, contact our office for a free consultation.

What Is the Minimum Wage in New York City?

The federal minimum wage currently stands at $7.25 per hour. However, states and cities are allowed to set their own, higher minimums. As of 2020, the minimum wage in New York State is $11.80, increasing to $12.50 in 2021.

New York City, however, has its own minimum wage, which is currently $15.00 an hour for both large and small employers.

Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

Fast food workers in NYC earn at least $15.00 an hour, while those outside of the city receive a minimum of $13.75 per hour. The minimum wage for all fast food workers in New York State is expected to reach $15.00 across the board in the coming years.

Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees

Tipped employees are subject to a different minimum wage. The federal minimum wage for tipped workers is $4.35, but New York City’s tipped workers earn $10.00 per hour, with different rates across the state. Employers often misapply the “tip credit,” which can result in tipped workers receiving less than they are entitled to.

Who Is Exempt from Minimum Wage Laws?

Certain employees are exempt from minimum wage laws, including:

  • Executives and administrators earning more than 75x the minimum wage
  • Professionals
  • Outside salespersons
  • Taxicab drivers
  • Part-time babysitters
  • Ministers and religious order members
  • Volunteers, apprentices, and students working in non-profits

However, independent contractors are also excluded from minimum wage laws. Many employees are misclassified as independent contractors, which can lead to illegal underpayment.

How Do Employers Violate Minimum Wage Laws?

Employers often violate minimum wage laws in various ways, including:

  • Paying below the applicable minimum wage
  • Not compensating for breaks, travel time, or off-the-clock work
  • Improper wage deductions
  • Misclassifying employees as exempt
  • Misapplying tip credits

Contact Mansell Law for a Free Consultation

If you suspect you are not receiving the correct wages, time is of the essence. You can recover unpaid wages for several years, but after a certain period, they cannot be recovered. Contact Mansell Law at 646–921–8900 for a free consultation and let our team of experienced unpaid minimum wage lawyers in NYC fight for the pay you deserve.

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