Understanding Severance Agreements in New York City: Protecting Your Rights and Your Future

 Severance agreements are crucial documents that can significantly impact your financial future when leaving a job. These agreements are often filled with complex legal language, making it essential to consult with an experienced employment lawyer before signing. At Mansell Law, we specialize in New York City severance review and negotiations, ensuring employees receive what they rightfully deserve during the transition between jobs.

Why You Should Review Your Severance Agreement

A severance agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your departure, including pay, benefits, and any restrictions placed on you after leaving the company. Once signed, you generally cannot revoke your acceptance, which is why seeking legal advice is so important. Our experienced employment lawyers can negotiate on your behalf, ensuring you are fairly compensated for your time and contributions.

How Severance Packages Work

Severance agreements are legally binding contracts that include promises from both the employer and employee. These agreements require an exchange of value, or consideration, meaning you may give up certain rights in return for compensation. For instance, your employer may request you waive the right to sue for potential discriminationharassment, or wage and hour violations.

If your employer is asking for such a waiver, it is critical to negotiate the severance amount carefully. The stronger your case against the employer, the more leverage you have during the negotiation process. With Mansell Law’s skilled attorneys at your side, you demonstrate to your employer that you understand the value of your position and are serious about protecting your rights.

What Are Your Rights Regarding Severance Packages?

Employees over 40 years old have added protections under the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA). This law, an amendment to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), ensures that any waiver of rights must come with additional compensation beyond what the employer typically offers. The OWBPA gives you 21 days to review the severance offer if you are the only employee involved, or 45 days if part of a group. Even after signing, you have seven days to revoke the agreement.

Consult Mansell Law for Severance Negotiations in New York City

Navigating severance agreements can be overwhelming, but with Mansell Law’s expertise, you can ensure your rights are fully protected. Whether you need help negotiating, reviewing, or challenging a severance agreement, our New York employment lawyers are here to guide you through the process.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Mansell Law at 646–921–8900. Protect your future by getting the advice and counsel you need from skilled severance negotiators in New York City.

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